Went in this morning for a visit. Dilated to 3- yea!
They wouldn't strip my membranes because the midwife on call had her hands full of laboring pregos and the other hospital. . .
but tomorrow I shall call and see if things have slowed down a bit. . . .
In any case, I have an induction scheduled for Wed. fun stuff- NOT. SO want to avoid that crappiness but I'd rather be induced than stuck in prego purgatory.
Oh yes, a side note: yesterday I started taking blue and black cohosh and it seems to have kicked some things into gear. . . . .
SO, stay tuned for more exciting info when we have some to share!
I'm sorry you are still stuck in prego purgatory. No fun! One of the biggest reasons I left the midwives after my 2nd daughter. I really hope you go into labor today, on your own instead of tomorrow when they are supposed to induce you. Good luck and know you have been in my thoughts and prayers.
Congratulations! She is a beautiful little girl!
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