Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Any Time Now. . . .

Last night I finished the baby's afghan. Here is a picture of it. Oh yes, it is bright pink. While wandering about the yarn aisle in Joanne's, I twittered between ivories and sea greens- for Isaac's and Eve's blankets I went with stereotypical blue and light pink. Esther, being a mystery baby (we didn't find out if she was "pink" or "blue" until she was born) got a gender-neutral white blanket. I wasn't sure what to do with baby girl #3 until I saw the hot pink thread- then I knew that it was perfect!
Now that the blanket is finished, she can come any time! Everything is ready. We've got a place to sleep and clothes, food. . . and I no longer fit in the stupid chairs with desks attached to them that make up the seating in some of my classes- so the sooner the better!

So, baby, you can come any time!


evamarie said...

SO crafty!!

Darby Family said...

We can't wait to see you little baby Sarah (well I can be hopeful right?)

StarScout said...

What a lovely blanket! Emily, you are so talented. Maybe she is just waiting until finals are over; she's just a considerate baby!