SO, I was inspired by the car seat and stroller and when the monkies and I were in Target today I did it- I purchased a crib! I have been looking online at classifieds and similary sites to see what was out there and really there is nothing right now that I want to buy. There are some used ones that are ancient, wobbly-looking things that they really should pay YOU for to take off their hands. . . there are also newer ones that were only used for one recent child but those people are asking for about twenty to ten dollars below what you can get a brand new one at- so I was looking online and comparing store prices and the one I got is just what I wanted!
It converts to a toddler bed, which is what I wanted-) oh and a day bed which is the same thing with the mattress at a different level)
ANYHOW, I haven't assembled it yet since I don't want to drag it out of the car myself. . .hmm, note to self: induce labor by moving large heavy box. . . hmmm. . . . Levi is coming over tomorrow so perhaps he will take pity upon his poor fat sister and help! :)
SO there aren't any lovely pictures of it in the girls' room (and I haven't made bumper pads or anything yet) BUT I got the picture from the site so you can see what it will look like!
Tomorrow I shall sew like a madwoman. I have a few projects I am working on (including crib linens) and now I have motivation for actually doing them!
Hooray for babies!
Boy, way to wait until the last possible minute to get everything ready-hahaha!
But I know what you mean about people selling their used cribs. Either too old, or too much.
Love it! Can't wait to see it all put together with a little cherub sleeping in it!! What color fabric are you going to be sewing crazily??
Not sure. It needs to match the curtains that I made for the little girls' room so most likely pink, pink and more PINK! I actually have some flannel left over from their stuff- but I think I was reading that youa ren't supposed to make bed stuff out of flannel 'cause it's really flammable. . .
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